dengue fever | dengue symptoms

dengue fever


On this list, you can add a hazardous disease that results in morbidity among millions of individuals annually, namely Dengue fever. Dengue is one of the viral infection that is spread through the female bitten mosquito; it is also referred to as “Backbone fever” due to the severe body pains accompanied by fever. To this date, it continues to be one of the most prominent concern on the global health map. In this blog, we consider de diligence of dengue particularly; It’s origin The potential indicators of the disease The ways of its prevention and current global strategies on dealing with disease effect on populace.

What is Dengue Fever?

dengue fever | dengue symptoms
 Dengue is an illness which comes about from a virus that has mostly its vector in Aide’s mosquito particularly the Aide’s aegypti. The virus falls under the Flavivirid family and is typed into four serotypes of the virus; the DEN -1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4. They may manifest or become developed in a person who has contracted the virus from the minor manifestations to severe condition, DHF or DSS, which are severe and mostly fatal.

dengue symptoms and Diagnosis:

dengue fever | dengue symptoms

Elevated Temperature:

Sudden onset: defined according to the time taken between the onset of the first symptom and the development of high temperature of less than half an hour; and the temperature usually being over 40°C or 104°F.

Severe Headache:

Sharp and shooting sensation like a needle in on the forehead and painful sensation behind the eyes.

Joint and Muscle Pain:

An intense throbbing headache, joint, and muscular pains thus the term “bone crush disease. ”

Skin Rash:

Other signs More mishaps that are likely to happen few days after contracting a fever such as coming up with a rash.

light Bleeding:

Thus, among all the types of hemorrhaging, some individuals start experiencing periods of gum or nose bleeding, among others, which are described as light bleeding.

Global Impact and Challenges:

That is why, one can state that dengue fever is, in fact, a multifactorial pathogen more fully and without a doubt.

Today the dengue disease is prevalent in a hundred and more countries worldwide and approximately 390 million cases are recorded each year. Notably, the rise is established across the different regions of the world; this places a lot of strain on healthcare systems particularly in the emerging economies.

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